Friday, April 3, 2009

Wedding Day Emergency Kits...

Since the airing of our series of Wedding Central: The Wedding Planners, I get numerous requests for details on the wedding day emergency kits we use at A Southern Affair. To share the 411, I decided to create a post featuring where they come from. They are actually professional make-up train cases from We LOVE them! They are a little pricey, but have lasted me since I began my company in 2003. That's going on 6 years!

This is the type of case we use at A Southern Affair.

We stuck with the classic silver, but you can choose form a variety of colors and designs.
They have a soft shell version as well.

Smaller versions can easily be carried as you are coordinating any wedding.
What do I put in my emergency kit?
I don't go to a wedding without...
·Band aids
·BlackBerry(with numbers for all of your wedding vendors already programed)
·Black socks… at least one groomsmen (or your groom) always forgets theirs.
·Bobby pins/ponytail holders
·Breath mints (not gum)
·Deodorant (spray... men's& women's)
·Eye drops
·Floral pins & tape
·Hem tape
·Lint brush
·Nail file, clippers, and clear nail polish
·Needle and thread (white/ivory, black, and color of bridesmaids dresses)
·Peppermints (not cough drops)
·Pepto-bismol tablets (not the Liquid)
·Safety pins (small & large)
·Scotch tape
·Snacks – pretzels, granola, crackers
·Static guard… especially for winter weddings.
·Super Glue
·Tide to go! It’s the best for little wedding day messes!
Hopefully, this helps all of you do-it yourself brides and beginning wedding planners.

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